Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Sleeping or not sleeping?!

AAAggggrrrrr.... We have serious sleeping issues going on...
Ever since the Pneumonia things have gone a little "different" when it comes to routines. But I was hopeful that they will follow their natural course back to normal. Guess what?! They didn't. It's actually going the opposite way. And I am quite confused if it's the age or if it's just the way it is but she is just refusing to be left alone in the bedroom. That is totally, completely out of question.

So, I decided, after many nights spending almost an hour having to sit next to her bed until she would finally fall asleep, that I will go for sleep training. AGAIN... It really sounds like a never ending story.
But anyways we tried that and for my total surprise, she screamed her head off for an hour and half. She actually managed to push herself out of the bed when I left her to "cry it out", and I was lucky to have entered the bedroom that same minute and just managed to grab her before she would hit the floor on her head... I am now super scared she will do it again and break her neck or something...

After almost 2 hours I admit that I gave up and stayed there with her next to her bed until she would fall asleep. But as if it wasn't enough sleeping trouble, she also started to wake up about a "million" times in the night demanding to come to our bed. The first 2 nights I was so tired that I just took her there. But now I ended up with serious back pains because it is just impossible to sleep with her ("she is a moving sleeper"). So, after the pain started I now decided to be a consistent parent and took the rules of sleep training step by step. I just don't take her into bed with us anymore.  I put her down again, blanket on and "good night". Last night she put on the biggest fight ever, like never ever before. We had done the sleep training before when she was smaller and again when she was around 10 months and we came back home from an overseas trip, and both times it went super well. At the time, we used the Ferber methods (Cry it out) and as she did so well (she learned to put herself to sleep in about 4 days and with very little crying) so we thought we do it same way. But I am guessing that now she is older and way smarter so she will try everything to get what she wants. She really panics if I leave her to cry, so now we are using the Tracy Hogg methods and it feels like the right way to go at this moment.

Lets hope this Mama will have the power needed to be consistent with the training and hopefully B. will be back to normal in no time. (This is me at my most positive thinking...) :)

Ps. Sorry! The light is so bad these days, the pictures are lousy!

A super present from Mama C. - And dollhouse project begins...
Loving Eero Aarnio - I keep saying she's got good taste! :D

Trying out big brother's shoes... fitted better then Daddy's ones...

Posted by Lela Mama.

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