Saturday 17 March 2012

Some things together...

Mother made a box for nicknacks... B thinks is best as a hat!
Little pick of B's room
Mother's Art.

Sorry the time away, we have all been sick and there has been no possible way to blog... So now i just picked some pics from my phone so I don't feel like we have forgotten about the ones who follow us... Soon there will be more nice things in the blog... As soon as this mama can get up on her feet... :)

Wednesday 7 March 2012

We found BEAUTY!

    First we had a delicious lunch at restaurant LUNGI. Impressively relaxed place in Korkeavuorenkatu and with a big, huge plus for the super nice customer service and design that looks effortless. All this feelings are just priceless when we are talking Tuesday working ours lunch time in Helsinki city.

After lunch Mama Ulla takes us to visit this cutest looking shop right across the street from the restaurant... and WHAT A SURPRISE....

We are at this lovely design shop called PORE Helsinki and I was dazzled to see what a selection it had to offer.  Besides other great designs like Finnish Secto, Costo, Bol-lightning, Globe Hope and many others, PORE is actually the very only shop in whole Helsinki to retail the gorgeous products from Ferm Living.

You can find all the most beautiful things Ferm Living has to offer and even better, if they don't have the product you are looking for, they will order it for you! So what was before only available online, is now right there for you to see, touch and feel! PLUS PLUS PLUS... the, just as beautiful, customer service offered by the owner herself! I honestly felt like spending my afternoon there but my "duty" woke up and I left home happy with my little purchase of the week, Ferm Living Large cup! And I guess soon Mama Ulla's living room will be getting new torkkupeitto!

What a day! We want more of those!

We found it: Pore Helsinki store in Korkeavuorenkatu.

For now in our shelf keeping B's drawing pencils.

Large cup found it's place in our home...
Cup Large and Remix blue Napkin - PORE Helsinki. Tape and cup holder - PINO

Thursday 1 March 2012


Pic from Style Collective      

My Favorite one!
Pic from Mademoisellerobot.
Pic from Style Collective
Pic from JuniorMagazine

Picture from some website in Japanese :D
The Artists, Louise Lundholm and Mia Risager. Pic from Middleclasswhitegirl.


It's been blogged all over the net, nothing new there but I had to do it again...

My working me hadn't been blown away by fashion of any kind in a while, of course I do love loads of the many beautiful things being created all over the world and all but it had been some time that fashion didn't leave me breathless... wishing I could get my hands on styling immediately (and I have never worked with children clothes).  But this Brand, BANG BANG COPENHAGEN, left me speechless... it is just so beautiful, creative, well made, modern, inspiring, playful, artistic... (I could write a countless amount of complements here) and in my most modest point of view, has all it takes to become timeless because of it's simplicity!

And plus... they have it for the mamas as well and is just as cool!

Part of me wish it was available in Finland, part of me is happy it isn't otherwise there would be serious affects on my bank account situation.... all thought it's available on many Web shops. Anyways, I guess I know what Baby B. will be wearing for her 2 years birthday party in the summer time! :D  

Monday 27 February 2012

Black and White Voilá!

Found this cutest chair on Kaivarin Kannuna but thought it needed some "refreshing"... Baby B. thought so too and decided to "Redesign" it! ... chair then got some shapes glued randomly and some drawing in it.... (so creative this little one :D)!

Robot bag we got from godfather! He carried his little teddy bear in an exact same one some many years ago and thought B. should carry hers too... :D.

Our Kummisetä is the most thoughtful and we miss him very much now that he lives a little far away!

Wednesday 22 February 2012

5 plus!

Today is the day I celebrate 5 years of "Finland living"... It's cold, many times dark, but I love to love everything else in here... Thanks for all the friends and family who took me with open warm hearts and made life so much fun! 
I was thinking what would be the best way to spend this day, how to celebrate, with who??!!... well, with the best company of all... Girly B, of course! So we finished "dressing up" our building blocks and bib got some new look also... then we made omelets for lunch and now, Pulka awaits us!

Ps: We have been "dressing" lots of things around here lately, soon more pics!

*Blocks are Brio and bib is basic Emma. Found both from Prisma!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Eggs and askartelling...

The B castle!

First we had some eggs and then Mama decided to finally decorate some building blocks we got on our trip to Lahti where we visited godfather!

Brio's wooden blocks are so nice but B was much more exited about them after they got new "outfit"! 

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Kokkailua ja lisää reseptejä

Pienen pieni paistaa kanan rintapaloja. 

Tässä vihanneskuutiot kuullotetaan öljyssä sipulien kanssa. 
Pienen pieni pääsi tänään ensimmäistä kertaa auttamaan äitiä keittiössä. Pitkän flunssakierteen ja keuhkoputken tulehduksen takia emme ole viikkoon päässeet ulos, ja on pitänyt keksiä kaikkea "kivaa" tekemistä sisällä (ja se ei ole helppoa!).

Teimme siis yhdessä ison annoksen kanakeittoa. Kävin ostamassa kaksi isoa kanan rintapalaa ja ostin vahingossa ricotta-täytteisiä (mutta se sopi keittoon hyvin). Ensin paistoimme ne, ja sitten valmistimme keiton.

Pienen pienen kanakeitto

2 isoa kanan rintapalaa, paistetaan erikseen läpikotaisen kypsiksi

4 isoa perunaa
2 porkkanaa
1 salottisipuli
2 valkosipulin kynttä
1 litra vettä (tai enemmän tarpeen mukaan)
1 kasvis- tai kanaliemikuutio
tuoretta persiljaa hienonnettuna

Kuutioi perunat, porkkanat ja sipuli. Viipaloi valkosipulin kynnet ohuiksi viipaleiksi. Kuullota sipuleita paksupohjaisessa kattilassa oliiviöljyssä hetki, niin että ne pehmenevät. Varo paistamasta liikaa, jottei valkosipuli muutu kitkerän makuiseksi. Lisää vihanneskuutiot joukkoon ja sekoittele hetki, niin että maut imeytyvät. Lisää vesi ja kasvisliemikuutio, anna kiehua 15 minuuttia. Sitten lisää kananpalat sekä persilja ja anna kiehua vielä 5 minuuttia. Keitto on valmista tarjoiltavaksi! Jos haluat, voit lisätä keittoon esim. hiukan kuskusta tai pastaa.